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PET-SORTEO: Validation and Development of Database of Simulated PET Volumes

Reilhac A., Batan G., Michel C., Grova C., Tohka J., Collins D.L., Costes N., Evans A.C.

IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, 52(5) pp. 1321-1328 (2005)


We present here the features and validation results of a Monte Carlo-based PET simulation platform designed to address the increasing need of simulated studies. The simulation tool, named PET-SORTEO, includes i) the generation of the raw data in accordance with both the numerical phantom description as well as with the scanner geometry and physical characteristics, and ii) the correction and reconstruction of the raw data. Validation results show that the platform reliably reproduces the image formation processes and includes correctly the sources of noise and biases. This platform allows for parallel processing and complete dynamic PET studies, including emission and transmission data, can be generated within few hours using a cluster of machines. Using PET-SORTEO, we generated a database of realistic simulated PET data accounting for inter-subject anatomical variability. This database has the merit to provide the community with realistic simulated 3D and 4D PET studies for commonly used radiotracers. This database as well as information about PET-SORTEO can be found at the address:

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