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Assessing the relevance of fMRI based-prior in the EEG inverse probem: a Bayesian model comparison

Daunizeau J., Grova C., Mattout J. Marrelec G., Clonda D., Goulard B., Pélégrini-Isaac M., Lina J.M., Benali H.

IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, special section on signal processing aspects of brain imaging, 53(9)
pp. 3461-3472 (2005)


Characterizing the cortical activity from electro- and magneto-encephalography (EEG/MEG) data requires solving an ill-posed inverse problem that does not admit a unique solution. As a consequence, the use of functional neuroimaging, for instance, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), constitutes an appealing way of constraining the solution. However, the match between bioelectric and metabolic activities is desirable but not assured. Therefore, the introduction of spatial priors derived from other functional modalities in the EEG/MEG inverse problem should be considered with caution. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian characterization of the relevance of fMRI-derived prior information regarding the EEG/MEG data. This is done by quantifying the adequacy of this prior to the data, compared with that obtained using an noninformative prior instead. This quantitative comparison, using the so-called Bayes factor, allows us to decide whether the informative prior should (or not) be included in the inverse solution. We validate our approach using extensive simulations, where fMRI-derived priors are built as perturbed versions of the simulated EEG sources. Moreover, we show how this inference framework can be generalized to optimize the way we should incorporate the informative prior.

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